I just want to share with anyone who happens to read this my great love of Octopus Pie.

no not  OctoPie, not actual pie. Although I do love pie. In fact I have a poem about pie.

Ode to Pie

Oh Pie

You are savory, you are sweet

Made of pastry,made of meat

In my dreams you are all I eat

Pie, my lovely pie, such a treat!

Oh pie!

Bumbleberry, Apple, or Pear delight

Devoured, you will be, once in my sight

Chicken or beef, tortiere tonight

The love of all pie is my plight.

Oh Pie!

Do not speak of horrid three point one four

To get to my heart, to open that door,

All you need is pie

(well maybe a little something more…)


You loved it right? anyway, I am NOT talking about edible pie. I am talking about a hilarious web comic my the lovely Meredith Gran. I think she does some great character work along with beautifully expressive and clean sketches. (by clean I don’t mean safe for kids- warning nudity and drug use abound.)

Octopus Pie follows the ins and outs of these two chill ladies:

Eve and Hannah

Eve and Hannah

See what I did there with that pun? Fantastic. Well Everest “Eve” Ning and Hannah Thompson are best(ish) buds form kindergarten reunited as roommates living in NYC. They are awesome. Learn to love them. In Gran’s own words “It’s a Brooklyn drama about a girl’s comedic life.”

To really understand what’s going on, I suggest starting from the beginning. (great advice right?) And if you’re anything like me once you get up to date you’ll be refreshing your webpage every couple of hours to see if the newest story-line has been updated.

There’s a bunch of other characters:


I am anxiously awaiting a delivery for the newest print-comic “Dead Forever”. I’ll keep you posted on that.

Also- Gran is coming to Toronto! As part of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this May 10th (9am-5pm) and 11th (11am-5pm).  At the Reference Library Downtown.Oh, and did I say free festival? Yeah. Awesome. I’ll be going, will you?

Notable mention: I did not draw any of these. All artwork (except for the actual pie) came from Meredith Gran.


Do you share my love of Octopus Pie? Or just pie in general? Have a comic you’re hooked on? Comment and let me know!
